Monday, June 23, 2008

Jenicas singing

Jenica was singing this song all morning "Babies list talk and a lot more action." She sang it over and over again. I never could figure out what she was saying. Then she was mumbling it and I figured it out... "A little less talk and a lot more action." She hears EVERYTHING!

Hunter is ready to buy!!

On Sunday Phil and Hunter were watching an infomercial and Phil and Hunter were enthralled to say the least. The announcer says, "Have your credit cards ready!" Hunter turns to me and says, "MOM! Our credit card is ready!!" They say a sucker is born every minute, I think I ended up with 2 suckers cause both of the boys wanted it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tell me what you really think

So I was just looking at Jenica, she has gotten all "pretty" to go to the carnival. I told her, "Wow, you sure look beautiful."

Jenica says, "I do, well, the girls look pretty. Sometimes those boys are stinky....especially their feet." Boy does she have that right! I have smelt things I wouldn't even dream of before becoming a mom to two boys.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jenicas new talent!

Overheard as Jenica walked up the stairs, by herself.

(whistling) "Whoa, did I just whistle? I DID just whistle"

Friday, June 13, 2008

What I am apparently worth

Hunter and Jenica were playing "store" today and EVERYTHING in the house was getting a price tag, including me. Jenica put a sticker on me for the whopping price of 25 cents. I said, "wow, a whole quarter hugh? I must be pretty important." Jenicas answer, "Oops, sorry mom, nobody would buy you for THAT much...I will get one with 15 cents." Just so you know, I went for about 20 dollars cheaper than her baby with one arm. I know my place.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Questions with no answers...well

The other day we were riding in the car and Hunter asked why his schools name was Mt. Mahogany. Well, neither Phil nor I knew the answer to that. We told him that. Leave it to Jenica to come up with the answer. And, I have to say, in a way, I guess she is right.

Jenica told him that Jesus wanted HER school to be named Shelley Elementary and Jesus liked the name Mt. Mahogany so he told them thats what it should be named.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Jenica needs to go back to school....

Today we went to Albertsons to buy stamps and make the Monday trip for the free redbox and I sat in the car with the kids while Phil ran in. While he was in there, the clock bells started chiming. Hunter asked, "Where are those bells coming from?" Jenica quickly replies, "from the Awful Tower, Hunter" I tried to tell her otherwise but she was sure she was correct.