Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jenicas Apologies

So, I got an apology from Jenica today. (okay I didn't really deserve it, but hey, you take what you can get)

We were talking about Grandma and Poppy's trip to Disneyland when Hunter starts teasing Jenica because he has been and she hasn't...sad I know. I can't believe I am a Toone! She says, "I did too go, I was in Mommy's tummy. Didn't I Mom?" I reply, "Yes honey, you were most certainly there" After a little reflection she says, "Mom, I sure am sorry I made your tummy so angry and you had to go to the hospital. But maybe Jesus knew that you wouldn't take me when I got out of your tummy and he was mad at you."

I really think I almost need another apology after that comment!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh my

So, I don't really know why Phil was asking Hunter questions, but he has those brown marks behind his ears, so Phil said, "Hunter, why do have brown spots back there?" Hunter replies, "I don't know." So Phil goes to his next question. "Hunter, why do you have that mark on your neck?" Hunters answer: "Cause Jenica kicked me." Close.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jenica the EMT

On Thursday Phil was working for American Fork. He got paged out to a suicidal 37 year old male. We were all in the car so we dropped Phil off at the station. On our way back home Jenica asked where daddy was going, I told her that he was going to help someone who took too much medicine because he was sad. She said, "Or maybe he took drugs!" I told her that was also a possibility. Then she replies, "Well, maybe he was taking his medicine and forgot what number he was on."

She takes after Poppy, she always has an answer!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

***I got caught***

Today at lunch we were all sitting around the table eating. I asked Hunter how school was and he said it was great, I asked Phil how work was going, they are going great too. So, I thought I would fill everyone in on what we had done all morning. I said, "Jenica helped me with dishes this morning." (knowing she was VERY proud of this) She then replies, "Yeah, I had to do the REST of the dishes while mom watched the View."

Oh no. I got caught. I didn't TELL her she had to finish. I like to listen to the first few minutes of the View. Then I turn it off. Jenica sure has a way of making me look like a terrible mom.

Jenica's Precious.....Junk???

Today Jenica was playing with her toys. She always loves to play with the boys toys while they are at school and down for their naps. She was quietly, I know hard to believe, playing with her toys when she rolled this truck over, under my feet and said, "Mom, do you want any of my JUNK?" Since when does she think anything is junk? She thinks old wrappers are "treasures"??!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Style Advice

I knew it wouldn't take me long to have something else to post. This is what Hunter just told me.

We were sitting here this nice Sunday afternoon and a commercial came on. Hunters attention was glued to it as two style advisors were helping people with no sense of style. It showed before and afters and some really amazing transformations. After it was over, Hunter turned to me and said, "Wow mom, you REALLY need to get on that show." Well, I guess I probably do, its called What Not To Wear......

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I decided that I needed to write some of the conversations I have with my kids down. What a better way to do it than blog it, because I seem to remember to do that. So, here goes...


(Jenica putting a glove on her hand): "Got to get this left hand in my glove."
Me: "What? How did you know that was your left hand?" (Pointing to her right hand) "What hand is this?"
Jenica (exasperated): "Mom, that is my RIGHT hand."
Me: "Where did you learn that?"
Jenica: "I am brilliant."

How dumb of me to assume otherwise....