Thursday, May 8, 2008

***I got caught***

Today at lunch we were all sitting around the table eating. I asked Hunter how school was and he said it was great, I asked Phil how work was going, they are going great too. So, I thought I would fill everyone in on what we had done all morning. I said, "Jenica helped me with dishes this morning." (knowing she was VERY proud of this) She then replies, "Yeah, I had to do the REST of the dishes while mom watched the View."

Oh no. I got caught. I didn't TELL her she had to finish. I like to listen to the first few minutes of the View. Then I turn it off. Jenica sure has a way of making me look like a terrible mom.


grandma b said...

I was folding clothes once when one of my kids (I think it was you, Marci) told dad I couldn't come to the phone because I was watching soap operas. I never watched soap operas! Funny how kids sometimes get us in trouble!

Kerrilyn said...

There is nothing wrong with a little bit of child/slave labor. I say next time tell her she has to wash all the dishes while you watch ALL of the view. Isn't that why we have kids anyway?? LOL!