Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jenicas Apologies

So, I got an apology from Jenica today. (okay I didn't really deserve it, but hey, you take what you can get)

We were talking about Grandma and Poppy's trip to Disneyland when Hunter starts teasing Jenica because he has been and she hasn't...sad I know. I can't believe I am a Toone! She says, "I did too go, I was in Mommy's tummy. Didn't I Mom?" I reply, "Yes honey, you were most certainly there" After a little reflection she says, "Mom, I sure am sorry I made your tummy so angry and you had to go to the hospital. But maybe Jesus knew that you wouldn't take me when I got out of your tummy and he was mad at you."

I really think I almost need another apology after that comment!!


grandma b said...

Yep, poppy's grandchild...always with an answer, even when it's not the right one!

I can't believe you're a Toone either when it comes to Disneyland. Hunter and Jenica would love it soooooo much. What are you thinking...or are you? (No, I don't need to apologize!)

Poppy said...

So much like me a real smart child. Your children are so funny. It is not fair that you get all the entertainment. I am glad you share. Some day you will be glad you did keep these stories.